Law Jackson's profile

Kid's Ministry Lyrics Video [2:01]

Rob Biagi's You Shine! (We're Rockin' Now!)
I got the chance to work with a musician, Rob Biagi that I had wanted to collaborate with for a long time. He made the first move and reached out for help with production on his lyrics video. This was the most fun (and maybe the hardest I've ever worked) on a video project.
I was familiar with Rob Biagi before, but I hadn't heard this song until I started working on the project. At first I was overwhelmed because it's such an enegetic and Worship-inspiriing song. After a few days I began to get a feel for the direction I wanted to go in. In just about 2 weeks with input from teammates and colleagues we've arrived at the final render. Boy! Am I excited to share this one :)
Kid's Ministry Lyrics Video [2:01]